Growing up you could usually find me in the front row asking a lot of questions, eating Subway in soccer cleats, performing my own piano compositions (in my parents living room, once on stage), and not thanking my mom for encouraging me (read: getting me) through 13 years of Girl Scouts.
These days, I'm getting paid to ask questions and find solutions. I've traded cleats for a yoga mat, and I fill my creative cup by reading The New Yorker & McSweeney's, sparring on Twitter with social media SMEs, giving back to my local creative community, and screen grabbing work I wish I'd made.
I have close ties with a Richmond Icon, Nutzy.. assuming our classic super hero pose
I have close ties with a Richmond Icon, Nutzy.. assuming our classic super hero pose
AMA Presentation website write up
AMA Presentation website write up
A mock-up I created for the James River Association using existing photography assets, but manipulated in a vido creation app to animate the water and video overlay text.
Active volunteer for CreativeMornings, Richmond chapter. Including: being the partnership contact/rep. for ICF Olson sponsorship and assisting in live social media posting for monthly CMRVA events
Active volunteer for CreativeMornings, Richmond chapter. Including: being the partnership contact/rep. for ICF Olson sponsorship and assisting in live social media posting for monthly CMRVA events
In addition to posting out CreativeMornings coverage at monthly events from ICF Olson social accounts, I executed an Instagram 'takeover' for CreativeMornings on behalf of ICF Olson: created graphics and wrote copy for all posts
In addition to posting out CreativeMornings coverage at monthly events from ICF Olson social accounts, I executed an Instagram 'takeover' for CreativeMornings on behalf of ICF Olson: created graphics and wrote copy for all posts
Went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and all I wanted to do was go to this sandwich shop.
Went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras and all I wanted to do was go to this sandwich shop.
Salsa di pomodoro
Salsa di pomodoro
If you do anything on this website, please go follow the incredibly talented Aaron Aalto on Twitter and Instagram.
(**I cannot draw**)